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BEN FRIEDMAN is a wealthy college student living in Beverly Hills who, despite his fortunate upbringing, still feels lonely and disconnected from his busy adoptive parents JACK and SARAH. What they don't give him in love they try to make up for in material things, but Ben still feels unfulfilled and begins wanting to ask about his biological parents.

Ben as a child has recurring dreams in which he has an imaginary father who plays sports with him.

He calls that person Papa.


Ben's friend SCOTT helps him by recovering all of the data lost on a computer in his dad's lawyer's office so that he can find information about his adoption. He discovers that Ben's biological mom died in child birth and that Ben's father is named DAVID DRESSNER. Ben begins cold calling David Dressners trying to find his father.


The last address that Ben checks is the address to a home for the mentally challenged. He decides to get a job as an assistant gardener at the home so that he can find out more about the David Dressner that is a patient there. In the meantime, his relationship with his girlfriend JENNIFER is falling apart due to him spending all his attention on finding his real father.


Ben begins working in the gardens with the patient named DAVID DRESSNER, who has difficulty speaking but still has a sharp and intuitive mind. They get along well, but Ben does not know if David is his real father. Another employee at the home, DINA, catches Ben's attention, and David tells Ben that he should be asking Dina out on a date instead of worrying about Jennifer. Dina comes from a conservative home where a girl waits until the wedding night before having sex.


Varies small clues are beginning to hint that Davis might be his father.


Jennifer comes to the home one day and sees Dina and Ben talking. She freaks out on Ben and he decides that he is no longer interested in Jennifer. Ben and Dina take David on a trip outside of the home to the city's botanical gardens. They lose David at the gardens for a short time and find him cradling a baby doll in the kid's section of the gift shop. He refuses to let go of the doll, so they pay for. it and let him take it back to the home.


His adoptive parents, knowing that Ben is working at the home, are worried that Ben will not love them anymore.

Ben's dad finally admits that David from the home is his biological father and that they have been paying for him to stay in the high end facility since Ben's birth.


Sarah visits him at the home and finally talks to him openly about his adoption. She tells him that he looks like his biological mother. Ben takes Dina home and she says that a male friend from high school in Argentina is visiting.

While Ben studies, he worries that Dina is being unfaithful.


The next morning, Ben calls Dina and the male friend picks up. Ben assumes that they slept together and they do not see each other for a week. David overhears Dina talking to her friend about paying a man $500 for sex. After David leaves, Dina reveals that the payment would be so she can breed her dog. When David tells Ben the story, Ben realizes that David must have misheard somehow and discovers the truth. He makes up with Dina.


As part of Ben’s discovery of the past he learns that David and Jack were both singers in a musical group. At a certain point Jack decided to Go to Law School, while David pursues his singing career and becomes quite successful.

At a party in the home, David sings one of his songs that sounds very familiar to Ben. A back flash shows Ben as a young boy hearing the song at home after his mother put that record on. The next day he asks David to sing it to him again but David refuses and promises to do so at his wedding.


Ben and Dina go on a weekend trip, where they get engaged and have sex for the first time.

AN incident near the home gets David to attack a person that was threatening Ben. When Ben questions him as to his unusual behavior, David answers: “Because I’m you Papa”. 

Ben and Dina get married with everyone they love in attendance. David sings his song, Jack sing his.




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